15 June 2008

BrOaDwAy RaNt

all right i need another minute for a little rant of mine. you know how you can find broadway shows on cds? i know, i know dumb question but stick with me. well when the shows go on tour, do you think that the original cast goes? no it's a touring cast and soemtimes certain people are better at the character than the original actors.....and guess what.......you can't the touring cast's cds anywhere...except on youtube.....but......AnYwHo. yea you can only find original casts and revival casts....it's so annoying!!!! yea that's my little rant, oh to any soccer players out there i found this icon that said "soccer doesn't build character, it reveals it." so there ya and is uppose shoveling snow in shorts builds character as well. yeesh! i know it's not long but honestly this is what you are gettin...
here's to craziness, life,loss and love

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