06 July 2008


words flow from my pen,
writing all i could not say.
i pause and look at,
at the stars that guide,
me through my life.
and i stop and wonder...
is it really worth it?
is it worth the pain and feeling of loss?
then i look down at the paper,
and i see my heart laid bare,
almost bleeding though the paper,
the black..or is it red?
ink is stark against the paper,
and i relaize that i will,
always play the fool,
in this game of life,
someone must,
but will i ever get a turn,
a turn at true love....
i wonder and then i relaize that there is no such thing,
at least.....not for me....



for me, when i sing i'm as happy as i can be. if that was taken away i don't know what i would do. on that note i owe a huge amount of credit to my drama club and chorus for helping me grow and develope a halfway decent voice. on the same note my drama family means the world to me. i honeslty treasure them more than my biological family because my drama one has always been there for i can always count one of them or all of them to cheer me up....oh i'm gonna need a new post...

16 June 2008

BrInG oN tHe MeN

whores. a word that is said more often than not as a retaliaiton to an accusation. is it really all that horrible, i mean come on back in anywhere from 1500's to the present day, there have been whores. i realize to some this topic may be uncomfortable but this is my blog, so if you don't like it, don't read or deal with it! anywho a whore is a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money.*dictionary.com* first off, why just women? i mean i realie that back aways ther might not have been man whores but now there are and the definition isn't updated, come on, if that's not sexist then i'm monkey! *not really, but my sister is*. as for the money part, can you blame anyone, male or female for turning to sex as a way to get money? sometimes people have no other choice but to sell themselves and hope to get enough money to get away from wherever they are, a prime example is jekyll and hyde's character lucy. one of the songs "girls of the night " is a better example. lyrics-
NELLIE:We're the pleasures of the nighttime that fade at dawn,selling treasures of the nighttime til night is gone.And then when the party's over, everybody's gone away,we stare at an empty day - what is there to do or say?Nighttime is where we live,night is when we give everything we have to give.Most lovers can rejoice, we don't have a choice,we just know we have to give.That's why the day can never be brightfor the girls of the night.
LUCY:Somewhere I know there's a someday that's just for me.Everybody has a someday - so why not me?
NELLIE:Lucy, do you really need to fill your heart with empty dreams?You'll always be what you are - stop chasing that distant star!
BOTH:Nighttime is where we live,night is when we give everything we have to give.Most lovers can rejoice, we don't have a choice,we just know we have to give.That's why the day can never be bright for the girls of the night.
LUCY:Fly away, fly away, let me find my wings.Let me be the girl I want to be!
NELLIE:I'm afraid to fly away, for all I have is here.
LUCY:I have my hopes ...
NELLIE:I have a child, and children must be fed.Forget your hopes, or you will be misled!With the dawn they disappear ...
LUCY:... then why are mine still here?
NELLIE:Fly away, fly away, fly away ...
BOTH:Ask me to share your fantasies, dear,but don't ask me where tomorrow is.Don't ask me where to find happiness,though I know for sure where sorrow is.
NELLIE:Sorrow is where the dark meets the light ...
LUCY:Someday I pray my fears will take flight ...
BOTH:Sorrow is where all hope fades from sightfor the girls of the night ...We're the girls of the night ...Just the girls of the night ...
most of the time when girls are labeled as whores or sluts they are considered dirty or not fit to date. when guys display their....how shall i say it.....sexual prowess, then they are considered manly or my favorite, studly.

15 June 2008

BrOaDwAy RaNt

all right i need another minute for a little rant of mine. you know how you can find broadway shows on cds? i know, i know dumb question but stick with me. well when the shows go on tour, do you think that the original cast goes? no it's a touring cast and soemtimes certain people are better at the character than the original actors.....and guess what.......you can't the touring cast's cds anywhere...except on youtube.....but......AnYwHo. yea you can only find original casts and revival casts....it's so annoying!!!! yea that's my little rant, oh to any soccer players out there i found this icon that said "soccer doesn't build character, it reveals it." so there ya and is uppose shoveling snow in shorts builds character as well. yeesh! i know it's not long but honestly this is what you are gettin...
here's to craziness, life,loss and love

11 June 2008

EnD oF tHe YeAr!

well for me my sophomore*wise fool in greek* year ends on june 16th and i can't believe it. the year just went by so fast and i feel as though i missed so much. i went from a girl who didn't know how the heck she was going to get through the year to a young woman who is blessed by wonderful friends, guys and girls, a wonderful drama family and a relatively good sense of humour and hopes for the future and for love. i just feel this incredible of lonliness, i know i'm loved by my friends but i don't know how often i'll see them over the summer. loss doesn't always mean death. i know i've lost some of my friends just because we have lost touch...... what really hurts is that since most of my friends are juniors and they'll be graduating next year. my drama years have been so amazing because i have gotten to know so many amazing talented people. sure i've crushed on a couple but i love them all and i am going to be a complete mess at graduation but i now realize how much i cherish them and their friendship..yea i use this blog as a vent for my feelings if you want to ask anything, please do and i'll be glad to answer.
this is

22 May 2008

The Phantom of the Opera

okay guys, here goes again...i know there are some broadway freaks and phans out there just like me and this blogger hopes that they will read this and LOVE it!!! *woot!* anyways, i was toolong around the internet last week i think...and i found this wicked cool article about how the phantom of the opera might be real. i'm joking either, it said something about how they found a room where abunch of stuff was sealed up and couldn't be opened till 100 years had passed...it was buried in 1907... and they just opened it and apparently there were some recordings that were made during that time period of the singers of that time period...i know repetive but hey it gets the point across. and apparently emi music is going to release cd's of the recordings sometime. but you know what, is it better to expose monsieur erik as a real person or better to just allow people to believe what they want? that he loved christine, which he did no doubt about that, that he was a genuis, again no doubt.......but he seems to fade as every year passes the movie is now 4 years old and the musical 22 years old and how long until, BOOM revival cast of phantom? it just makes no sense...but ah well, us phantom phans will deal with it somehow....
if you comment i give you a cookie!!!

here's to craziness, life,loss and love,


19 May 2008

NoT mUcH

right so no one has commented...you have no idea how low that has brought my self esteem.....*goes off and cries in a corner* anywho, i can't believe i'm almost done with school...and bye bye birdie is in 4 days..AAAAHHHH and i'm sick with allergies which mean that my ears are clogged so i can barely hear the music or my notes, so you coulkd say i'm pretty much screwed..if anyone knows a cure for allergies then please tell me asap. omg went to see young frankenstein on broadway yesterday and it was soooo funny, i mean i know mel brooks did the producers but i've never seen that on broadway so i was very impressed. i feel as though i'm spilling my guts to an uncaring piece of technology....so please people i'm desparate, i'm on my knees begging...please comment even with random question i'll be happy to reply.....*puppy do eyes* please?

16 May 2008

more random stuff!

yea i know, sporadic postings but whatever, i post when i can....anyhwo i'm coming down with something....i have no idea what but my school is putting on 'Bye Bye Birdie' as our spring musical and it opens a week from today!... we have an amazing freshman and sophomore doubling as the lead 'Kim' and the rest of the cast is just incredible..OH! and i'm going to new york tomorrow to see 'Yooung Frankenstein' on broadway!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHH! i can't wait but god school is almost over and i don't want the juniors to become seniors because then i'll miss them soooooo much!!!! and when they graduate we lose half of our drama club and talent...it's gonna kill us..... it'd be really cool if we did 'Sweeney Todd' for a musical i love that musical and the movie is better than i thought it would be. who knew johnny could sing? but i can't wait for new york! Leaving in 18 hours!!!!!!!!

05 May 2008

long time no type

hey to whoever is reading this i hope i won't disappoint you. if you ever have any questions you want me to talk about just let me know in a comment. soooo yea this is my first blog and soon they will have more definitive subjects. first though this will be about me! *crowd applauds*

right here goes
height-5'5 1/2
eyes-blue/gray with a ring of gold around the pupil

twilight series, harry potter series, Jane Austen's books, philippa gregory's books, and other random ones that i can't remember....OH! the phantom of the opera.

bones, moonlight, house, gossip girl, and america's next top model*just for laughs*

sweeney todd, harry potter 1-5, pirates of the caribbean 1-3, camelot, the scarlet pimpernel, and jekyll and hyde...again there are other that i can't remember...OH! the phantom of the opera

mostly broadway show tunes, if you name a show i've probably heard of it but any way,
sweeney todd, phantom,cabaret,jekyll and hyde, the scarlet pimpernel, camelot, jersey boys, rent, wicked, cats,chicago, a chorus line, little shop of horrors, evita, les miserables, beauty and the beast...there are more..never doubt that, death cab for cutie,fall out boy,cascada, american rejects, green day, and that's about it.

i also love to read, write and sing, i am a mezzo/second soprano in my school chorus and i love singing.

this elisianna,
*music speaks where words cannot...*
*i believe in music the way some believe in fairy tales...*